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Structuring Documents with FrameBuilder

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Terms used

Terms used in this manual include the following:

Child element
Given an element, any element that is on the first level of the subtree (in the structure view) coming from that element is a child element to the original element.

The Extended Document Definition (EDD) is used by FrameBuilder to define the elements and their contents; hence, the EDD governs the organization of documents by allowing only certain combinations of elements.

The HPTAG module in FrameBuilder is the SGML export application. It takes MIF files as input and returns files conforming to SGML.
Main view
The Main view is the right pane in PinPoint's book window. This view displays the book's contents.
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is a specification for how markup languages should be written.

Sibling element
Given an element, any element that is on the same subtree (in the structure view) and at the same level as the original element is a sibling element to the original element.
TOC view
The TOC view is the left pane in PinPoint's book window. This view displays the book's table of contents, list of figures, or list of tables.

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