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Structuring Documents with FrameBuilder

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This chapter provides a listing of utilities that may be helpful in the structuring process. Also, instructions for using mifmucker are provided.

This chapter is divided into the following units:


This section lists the tools that are used in structuring documents. Current versions of most tools are on icarus. To set up an account on icarus, send email to the alias articket requesting an account.

Table 1 lists tools available to help you produce documents for PinPoint and the World Wide Web.

|    If you want to:  |      Use:         |          Available on:                                   |      For more          |
|                     |                   |                                                          |      information:      |
|    Capture X        |      xgrab        | hawkwind:/usr/local/hp/bin/xgrab                         |      See the man       |
|    screens for      |                   |                                                          |      page              |
|    your graphics    |                   | bipod:/usr/local/bin/xgrab                               |                        |
|                     |      xgrabit      | pixel:/doc/tools/xgrabit                                 |      See the man       |  
|                     |                   |                                                          |      page              |
|    Convert          |      mifmucker    | icarus:/usr/local/doctools/bin                           |      Enter             |
|    Frame files to   |                   |                                                          |      mifmucker         |
     html or ASCII    |                   |                                                          |      for usage         |
|    Create an        |      Builder      | Select from Frame's menu bar                             |      Read the          |
|    online           |      templates    |                                                          |      chapt.struct      |
|    document         |                   | File -> New -> Convex/ -> small/ -> template |      template          |
|                     |      structure    | Select from Frame's menu bar                             |      Read the          |
|                     |      rule table   |                                                          |      table             |
|                     |                   | File -> New -> Convex/ -> struct.rule.table     |                        |
|    Create a Frame   |    Frame-to-html  | bipod:/frame/local/lib/mm/HTMLTemplate.doc               |      Read the          |
|    document that    |    template       |                                                          |      template          |
|    you can easily   |                   |                                                          |                        |
|    convert to       |                   |                                                          |                        |
|    html             |                   |                                                          |                        |
|    Touch up         |      xpaint       | bipod:/usr/local/bin/xpaint                              |      See the man       |
|    graphics you     |                   |                                                          |      page              |
|    have captured    |                   |                                                          |                        |
|    View online      |      pinpoint*    | icarus:/usr/local/docools/bin/pinpoint                   |      Enter             |
|    documents        |                   |                                                          |      pinpoint          |
|                     |                   |                                                          |      and read the      |
|                     |                   |                                                          |      Help              |

* PinPoint is currently under development (June 1995); some features may not be enabled.

File restoration

For those pesky files that keep deleting themselves, use the restreq script to request a file restoration. The script lives in /usr/local/bin/restreq.

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