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Structuring Documents with FrameBuilder

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Tips and other flashes of inspiration


Deleting text in FrameBuilder requires that the corresponding elements be deleted as well. For example, if you find yourself deleting a paragraph marker that keeps reappearing, then delete the <Para> element in the structure view.

Keep an eye on the structure view to ensure that you are deleting everything that needs deleting. If you prefer, you can do your deleting in the structure view itself.


Date of last verification: June 20, 1995

Make sure your figures follow the requirements listed in the "Do I need to use mifmucker?" section.

Elements in figures

Do not wrap the text in a figure in elements. The text can be formatted with normal paragraph and character formats, but not elements--wrapping figure text in elements fouls up stuff so the document cannot be validated.

Fast display

Electronic Book Technology's graphic handling (which PinPoint uses) is buggy at best. See the "Converting figures" section for information on how to improve graphics display time.

Formats and elements

PinPoint does not use the paragraph and character formats associated with the Frame documents.

The style sheet used by PinPoint determines how the online docs look based on the element wrappers.

Hard returns

Date of last verification: June 20, 1995

If Builder beeps at you when you attempt to insert a RETURN in a structured document, insert a <Para> element at the position where you want the RETURN. See the "Keyboard shortcuts" section for a quick way to insert elements.


Hardspaces do not exist online; you cannot keep two words together. Existing hardspaces are converted to regular spaces during HPTAG.

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